Below is a list of the updated contact details of the best secondary and high schools in Zimbabwe.
If you would like to update any contact details or add another school's details to this listing please email [email protected] or WhatsApp us on +263 772 509 036 (no calls, WhatsApp only).
School Name | City | Contact Telephone Number |
Air Force Thornhill Secondary School | Gweru | 054232012, |
Amaveni High School | Kwekwe | 05525143, 05522716, |
Anderson Adventist High School | Gweru | 054226485, 054221864, 054223424, |
Arch Munaki Secondary School | Chivi | 0337647, |
Arcturus High School | Arcturus | 02742344, |
Ascot Secondary School | Gweru | 054229351, 054222744, 054228659, |
Batanai High School | Kwekwe | 05563094, 05569767, 05563138, 05562592, |
Bernard Mizeki College | Tel: +263 279 21181 | |
Binga Secondary School | Binga | 015330, |
Biriiri High School | Chimanimani | 0262464, 0262438, 0262376, 0262375, 0262846, |
Bradely High School | Bindura | 02763362, 02763361, |
Budiriro 2 High School | Harare | 04690990, 04690395, |
Budiriro High School | Harare | 04691391, 04690062, |
Bulawayo Adventist High School | Bulawayo | 09230739, |
Bulawayo High School | Bulawayo | 09230864, 09230863, 09230862, |
Centenary Secondary | Checheche | 0572284, |
Chaplin High School | Gweru | 054223873, 054227764, 054224394, 054222063, 054222050, 054222303, |
Checheche Sec School | Checheche | 0317343, |
Chegato High School | Mataga | 0517233, |
Chegutu High School | 0532579, 0532619, | |
Chemhanza Secondary School | Wedza | 02222242, 02222336, |
Chemukute Secondary School | Kadoma | 06824292, |
Cherutombo Secondary | Marondera | 027927178, 027923644, |
Cheziya Gokwe High School | Gokwe | 055592641, 055592886, 055592716, |
Chibi High School | Chivi | 0337354, 0337293, 0337293, |
Chibuwe High Sch | Chibuwe | 024331, 024487, |
Chibuwe Sec School | Chipangayi | 024347, 024254, 024320, |
Chikwingwizha Secondary School | Shurugwi | Tel: (054) 2712/27126, Tel: (054) 26113 |
Chilisa Secondary School | Hwange | 028130053, 028130688, 028131168, |
C (Cont)
Chimanimani Sec School | Chimanimani | 0262321, |
Chimbwembwe Secondary School | Jerera | 0342901, |
Chinembiri Secondary School | Chivi | 0337366, |
Chingoma Secondary School | Mataga | 0517336, |
Chinhoyi 2 High School | Chinhoyi | 06729290, 06724109, 06723104, |
Chinhoyi High School | Chinhoyi | 06722149, 06722507, 06722477, 06722424, 06722559, 06722372, 06722345, 06722333, 06724198, 06724197, 06729776, |
Chinhoyi High School Sda | Chinhoyi | 06721672, 06725306, |
Chinyudze Sec School | Headlands | 025822411, |
Chipadze Sec School | Bindura | 02716748, 02717981, 02717435, |
Chipangayi High School | Chipangayi | 024392, |
Chipindura High School | Bindura | 02717927, 02717926, 02716856, |
Chirichoga Sec School | Masvingo | 039262383, |
Chirumba Secondary School | Nyika | 0338274, |
Chitepo Secondary School | Marondera | 027920260, 027920265, 027927107, |
Chitonhora High School | Jerera | 0342140, |
Chizungu Secondary School | Mberengwa | 05183801, |
Churchill Boys High | Harare | 04779725, 04747094, 04747088, 04747143, |
Dalny Mine Secondary School | Chakari | 0688212, |
Dangamvura High School | Mutare | 02031239, 02030210, 02031184, |
Danhamombe High School | Chivi | 0337227, 0337227, |
Danhiko Secondary School | Harare | 04492382, |
Daramombe Secondary School | Chivhu | 0562740, |
Darwin High School | Mt Darwin | 02763059, 02762638, |
Detema Secondary School | Dete | 018541, 018233, |
Development Ass Hwange Sec School | Hwange | 028120076, |
Devuli Secondary School | Birchenough Bridge | 02482362, |
Dewure Secondary School | Gutu | 0302519, |
Domboramwari High School | Harare | 042932974, |
Dominican Convent High School | Harare | 04791646, 04796176, 04705150, 04705134, |
Dominican Convent High School | Harare | 04796177, 04793096, 0960060, |
Drake Secondary School | Kwekwe | 05562886, 05568664, |
Dzivaresekwa High School | Harare | 04216418, 04216414, |
Elise Gledhill Secondary School | Mutare | 02060920, |
Ellis Robins High School | Harare | |
Emakhandeni Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09521182, 09527765, |
Emganwini Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09484034, 09487707, |
Entumbane Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09401264, 09418778, 09418776, |
Eveline High School | Bulawayo | 09887513, 0960562, 0960800, 09230562, 09230255, |
Eveline High School | Bulawayo | 0960254, |
Fatima Secondary School | Nkayi | 0558449, 0289244, |
Filabusi Secondary School | Filabusi | 017413, |
Fletcher High School | Gweru | 054260508, 054260649, 054260034, |
Founders High School | Bulawayo | 09460186, 09460733, 09460737, 09460192, 09473951, 09463014, 09463013, 09463012, 09479523, 09473789, |
Funye High School | Mataga | 0517351, |
Gambe Sanyatwe Secondary School | Juliasdale | 0292373, |
Gateway High School | Harare | 04334795, 04334761, 04308084, 04308083, 04302992, 04302990, 04302980, |
George Chipadza Secondary School | Zvishavane | 055513749, 055513743, |
George Stark High School | Harare | 04664398, 042910838, 04664398, 042910838, |
Gifford High School | Bulawayo | 09882046, 09880950, 0961391, 09886930, 0968245, 0968244, 0961128, |
Girls High School | Harare | 04791752, 04702215, 04702051, 04707219, 04706619, 04252313, 04732277, 04732160, 04731975, 04793418, |
Glen Norah 1 High School | Harare | 04613134, |
Glen Norah 2 High School | Harare | 04613937, 04613920, 042925310, |
Glen View 1 High School | Harare | 04690040, 04690253, |
Glen View 2 High School | Harare | 04692501, 04690070, |
Glen View 3 High School | Harare | 04691984, |
Goko Secondary School | Birchenough Bridge | 02482424, |
Gokomere High School | Masvingo | 039261506, 039261501, 039263235, 039261347, 039265073, 039265072, |
Goromonzi High School | Arcturus | 02742663, 02742662, 02742661, |
Guineafowl High School | Gweru | 054223992, |
Gutu High School | Gutu | 0302286, 0302444, |
Gwanda High School | Gwanda | 028422035, 028422034, |
Gwindingwi Secondary School | Nyika | 0338539, 0338346, |
Hama Secondary School | Chatsworth | 0308213, |
Hamilton High School | Bulawayo | 09247179, 09242574, |
Handina Secondary School | Nyazura | 02583297, |
Harare High School | Harare | 04759438, 042913150, |
Hartzel High School | Mutare | 02065148, |
Hatfield High School | Harare | 04570133, 04570530, 04572403, |
Hermann Gmeiner High School | Bindura | 02717150, |
Highfield 2 High School | Harare | 04661162, 042912793, |
Highfield No.2 High School | Harare | 04668130, |
Hlangabeza Sec School | Nkayi | 0558331, |
Hlezana Secondary School | Ngundu | 036421, |
Holy Cross Mission | Mvuma | (030-8) 3303, (0308) 3302 |
Howard High School | Tel: +263 410-313-2867 | |
Hurungwe Secondary School | Murewa | 027822641, |
Hwange Secondary School | Hwange | 028121599, |
Ihlathi High School | Bulawayo | 09491860, 09491859, 09491858, |
Induna Secondary School Dev Com | Bulawayo | 0966522, |
Inyanda Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09521120, 09527343, 09520479, 09520478, 09520485, 09520472, |
J Z Moyo High School | West Nicholson | 016256, 016258, |
Jameson High School | Kadoma | 06828925, 06822336, 06822335, 06822334, 06822333, 06822332, 06822331, 06823713, 06823620, 06823249, |
John Tallach High School | Bulawayo | [email protected] |
Jotsholo Secondary School | 0289221, |
Kalope Secondary School | Hwange | 028130787, |
Kambarami Secondary School | Murewa | 027822382, |
Kambuzuma 2 High School | Harare | 042933768, |
Kriste Mambo Secondary School | Mashonaland East | +263 29 2377, +263 29 2377 |
Kushinga Sec.School | Ngundu | 036238, |
Kutama College | Norton | +263 6 9325 |
Kuwadzana 2 High School | Harare | 04214505, |
Kuwadzana 2 High School | Harare | 04212395, |
Kuwadzana 3 High School | Harare | 04210039, |
Kuwadzana High School (Banket) | Banket | 0663334, 04210778, 04211591, |
Kuwadzana Secondary School (Kadoma) | Kadoma | 06822823, |
Kwayedza Secondary School | Harare | 04611167, 04611041, |
Kwekwe High School | Kwekwe | 05522009, 05522393, 05523302, 05523301, |
Kwenda High School | Wedza | 02222423, 02222422, |
Liebenberg High School | Chivhu | 0563425, |
Lieberburg Secondary School | Chivhu | 0562534, 0562386, 0562372, |
Living Waters High School | Harare | 04216304, |
Lobengula Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09401902, 09417957, |
Lord Malvern Secondary School | Harare | 04614159, 04614158, 042913182, |
Loreto High School | Nkayi | 0558446, 0558520, 0558381, 05520020, 0558446, 0558520, 0558381, 05520020, |
Lower Gweru Secondary School | Gweru | 054231112, |
Lundi Secondary School | Masvingo | 036279, 036412, |
Luveve High School | Bulawayo | 09560914, 09560916, 09560912, 09561124, 09560915, 09560913, |
Mabelreign Girls High School | Harare | 04331103, |
Mabhikwa Secondary School | 0389578, 0389255, | |
Mabvuku High School | Harare | 04491692, 042937266, |
Madzivire Range High School | Chivhu | 0562428, |
Magama Secondary School | 0387540, | |
Magwenya Secondary School | Guruve | 0582936, |
Mambo Secondary School | Gweru | 054223549, 054222491, |
Mamunyadza High School | Murambinda | 0212646, |
Mandava High School | Zvishavane | 055513677, 055512133, 055513677, 055512133, |
Mandedza Secondary School | Chitungwiza | 042905725, |
Mandwandwe Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09492941, 09488826, 09487537, |
Manjolo Secondary School | Binga | 015459, |
Manunure Secondary School | Kwekwe | 05543262, 05540046, 05543116, 05543248, |
Manyame Secondary School | Harare | 04575619, 04575981, 04575500, |
Marange High School | Mutare | Tel: +263 20 423 711 |
Maringove Secondary School | Darwendale | 069341, |
Marist Brothers Secondary School | Mutare | Tel: +263 29 8524 |
M (Cont)
Marlborough High School | Harare | 04300828, 04309441, 04309766, 04300741, 04309089, 04309088, |
Marondera High School | Marondera | 027923680, 027923686, 027923685, 027923684, 027923683, 027923682, 027923981, |
Mashava Secondary School | Mashava | 0352300, 0352587, |
Mashoko Secondary School | Tel: +263 342 2704 | |
Masiyarwa Secondary School | Darwendale | 0692161, |
Masotsha Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09521330, 09520899, |
Masunda North Secondary School | Mashava | 0352411, |
Matinunura High School | Gweru | 054253270, 054252590, 054252560, 054250430, 054253270, 054252590, 054252560, 054250430, |
Matsine Secondary School | Wedza | 02222152, |
Mavela Secondary School | Tsholotsho | 0387201, |
Mavhudzi Secondary School | Nyazura | 02583344, |
Mawabeni Secondary School | Esigodini | 0288574, |
Mazambara Secondary School | Masvingo | 039261579, |
Mazowe High School | Harare | 04481455, |
Mbare High School | Harare | 04620241, 04668268, |
Mbare Secondary School | Harare | 042910024, |
M (Cont)
Mbari Secondary School | Mvurwi | 02772954, |
Mbizo High School | Kwekwe | 05540862, 05540067, 05543140, |
Mhangura Secondary School | Mhangura | 0605877, |
Mhondoro Secondary School | Beatrice | 065244, |
Milton High School | Bulawayo | 09236778, 09230985, 09231583, 09231582, 09231146, 09256153, |
Minda High School | Kezi | 0282234, 0282583, |
Mkhosana Adventist Secondary School | Victoria Falls | 01346083, |
Mkoba No 3 Secondary School | Gweru | 054255811, 054255042, 054255626, 054255621, |
Mkoba Secondary School | Gweru | 054257710, 054255563, 054255197, 054256795, 054255191, 054255595, |
Mncumbatha Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09481550, 09481551, |
Moleli High School | +263 263162824171 | |
Monte Cassino Secondary School | Nyanga | Tel: +263-7798-240. |
Montrose Girls High School | Bulawayo | 09460211, 09460221, 09474749, |
Morgan High School | Harare | 04781280, 042923930, 04771189, 042901181, 042901180, |
M (Cont)
Morgenster High School | Masvingo | 039261029, |
Mosi-Oa-Tunya High School | Victoria Falls | 01346079, |
Mount Carmelsec School | Headlands | 025822370, |
Mpandawana Secondary School | Gutu | 0302325, |
Mpopoma High School Dev Ass | Bulawayo | 09415162, 09418479, |
Msiteli Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09400101, 09400871, |
Msthabezi Secondary School | Tel: +263-84-3104 | |
Mt Pleasant High School | Harare | 04334170, 04308302, 04308301, |
Mt Selinda High School | Tel: +263 27 4403 | |
Mutoko Central Secondary School | Mutoko | 02722734, 02722296, |
Mucheke High School | Masvingo | 039262738, 039265533, 039262630, |
Mufakose 1 High School | Harare | 04698267, 042922891, 042920590, 04699059 |
Mufakose 2 High School | Harare | 04698330, 04698020, 042920028, 042900377, |
Mufakose 3 High School | Harare | 04698599, 04698021, |
Mufakose Mhuriimwe Secondary School | Harare | 04698285, |
Muguta Secondary School | Harare | 042900265, |
Mukai Secondary School | Harare | 04611564, 042920920, |
Mukaro High School | Gutu | 0302709, |
Munyaradzi Secondary | Kadoma | 06827345, 06823768, |
M (Cont)
Murambwa Secondary School | Kadoma | 0653609, |
Musani Secondary School | Chipinge | 02482353, |
Mutambara High School | Chimanimani | 0263368, |
Mutare Boys High School | Mutare | 02060634, 02064536, 02062301, 02067240, 02063988, |
Mutare Girls High School | Mutare | 02063404, 02060116, 02064554, 02064531, 02062673, 02063924, |
Mutema High School | Chipangayi | 024562, |
Mutendi High School | Masvingo | 039265479, |
Mutero Secondary School | Gutu | 0302696, |
Mutorashanga High School | Mutorashanga | 0668260, |
Mvurwi Sec School | Mvurwi | 02772476, 02772372, |
Mwenezi Secondary School | Ngundu | 036380, |
Mzilikazi Secondary Schol | Bulawayo | 09204155, 09200143, 09200142, 09200005, |
Mzingwane High School | Esigodini | 0288352, 0288455, 0288508, |
Nagle House | Tel: +263-79 22934 | |
Nashville High School | Gweru | 054226090, 054224330, 054223186, |
Ndarama Secondary School | Masvingo | 039252252, 039253089, 039252984, |
Ndlovu Secondary School | 01344633, | |
Nemakonde Secondary School | Chinhoyi | 06723031, 06722611, 06725426, 06721529, |
Nembudziya Govt Secondary School | Gokwe | 055592356, |
Ngundu Government Secondary School | Ngundu | 036423, |
Ngundu Halt Secondary School | Ngundu | 036214, |
Nhedziwa Secondary School | Chimaniamni | 0262491, |
Nhlahla Secondary School | 0289200, | |
Nhowe Secondary School | Macheke | Tel: +263 316 684-3723 |
Njelele Secondary School | Gokwe | 055592917, 055592465, |
Njube High School Sda | Bulawayo | 09407499, |
Njube Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09406962, 09416554, |
Nkayi Rural Secondary School | Nkayi | 0558376, 0558709, |
N (Cont)
Nketa Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09484510, 09483719, |
Nkululeko High School | Gweru | 05520130, 05520132, 05520131, |
Nkulumane High School | Bulawayo | 09487534, 09486974, 09496253, |
Northlea High School | Bulawayo | 09207439, 09209241, 09205290, |
Nyabira Secondary School | Harare | 042918315, |
Nyamandlovu Secondary School | Nyamandhlovu | 0287255, |
Nyamauru High School | Mutare | 02031110, |
Nyamauru Secondary School | Mutare | 02030038, |
Nyameni High School | Marondera | 027924129, 027920053, 027924129, 027920053, |
Nyamuzuwe High School | Mutoko | 072-2700 |
Nyanga High School | Nyanga | Tel: +263-298- 738 |
Nyaningwe Secondary School | Chivi | 0337598, |
Nyazura Adv High School | Nyazura | 02583213, 02583212, 02583203, 02583215, 02583200, 02583387, 02583581, 02583535 |
Odzi Secondary School | Odzi | 02042330, |
Oriel Girl's High School | Harare | 04494029, 04496076, |
Pamushana High School | Nyika | 0338383, 0338406, 0338425, 0338429, 0338416, 0338587, 0338279, 0338276, 0338506, 0338361, |
Petra High School | Bulawayo | 09286181, 09283336, 09283329, 09283328, 09283327, 09283326, 09283325, 09282242, 09283100, |
Pfupajena Secondary | Chegutu | 0532562, 0533680, |
Pinewood High School | Harare | 04217473, 04217469, 04217453, 04217452, 042934534, |
Pumula Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09424755, |
Pumula South Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09420982, 09420976, |
Queen Elizabeth School | Tel: +263-4-720854 | |
Raffingora Sec School | 0667205, | |
Rakodzi High School S.D.A | Marondera | 027923965, 027927039, |
Regina Mundi High School | Gweru | +263-54-23560, 054222613, 042934195, 054223559 |
Richmond Secondary School | Mhangura | 0605800, |
Ridgeview High School | Harare | 04740426, |
Ridziwi High School | Mhangura | 0605465, |
Roosevelt Girls High School | Harare | 04747464, 04747424, 04747404, 04747372, 04747371, |
Rudhanda Secondary School | Jerera | 0342769, |
Rufaro Secondary School | Chatsworth | 0308526, 0308577, |
Rukweza Secondary School | Nyazura | 02583577, 02583576, |
Rupare High School | Nyika | 0338742, |
Rushingo High School | Mutare | 02060755, |
Rutendo Government Secondary School | Kwekwe | 05563107, 05568305, 05568304, 05568484, |
Ruwombwe Secondary School | Nyazura | 02583273, |
Ruya High School | Mt Darwin | 02762768, |
S D A Sobukazi High School | Bulawayo | 09200831, |
Sacred Heart High School | Esigodini | 0288645, |
Sacred Heart High( Rutenga High) School | Rutenga | 014580, 014397, |
Sakubva 1 Secondary School | Mutare | 02060455, |
Sandringham Secondary | Norton | +263622343, +263 62 3503, +263 62 3551, +263 25 515 802 |
Sanyati Baptist High School | Sanyati | 06872346, |
Saruwe Secondary School | Selous | 062844046, |
Mkhosana Adventist School | Victoria Falls | 01345183, |
Seke 1 Secondary School | Chitungwiza | 027022986, 027030764, |
Seke 2 High School | Chitungwiza | 027031126, 027030384, |
Seke 3 High School | 027031178, | |
Seke 5 High School | 027030073, 042907000, | |
Seke 6 High School | Chitungwiza | 042907027, |
S (Cont)
Seke Mhuriimwe High School | Chitungwiza | 027021393, 027022961, |
Seke Secondary School | Chitungwiza | 042934156, 042934155, |
Senga Secondary School | Gweru | 054260065, 054260706, |
Serima Secondary School | Chatsworth | 0308252, |
Shashane Secondary School | Kezi | 0282459, 0282359, |
Shongamiti Secondary School | Ngundu | 036403, |
Shungu High School | Kwekwe | 05520111, 011 213 110/ 055-30112 |
Shurugwi 2 Secondary School | Shurugwi | 055526621, |
Sikhoveni Secondary School | Esigodini | 0288575, |
Sikhulile Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09521426, 09520364, 09520995, |
Silveira Secondary School | Nyika | 0338402, 0338833, |
Sizane High School Sdc Office | Bulawayo | 09410554, |
Sizane Secondary Secondary | Bulawayo | 09413520, |
Sobukhazi Secondary School | Bulawayo | 09200581, 09200830, |
Solusi Adventist Secondary School | Bulawayo | 0960835, 0960826, 0960798, 0960839, 0960834, 0966097, |
S (Cont)
Somvubu Secondary School | Turk Mine | 0285470, |
St Anthonys High School | Jerera | 0342766, |
St Augustines Mission | Mutare | 02022386, 02022217, |
St Benedict's Secondary School | Headlands | 025822067, |
St Bernard's Mission | Bulawayo | 09429107, |
St Clares Mangwebde Secondary School | Murewa | 027822021, |
St Columbas High School | Hauna | 02282323, 02282763, |
St David's High School | Juliasdale | 0292312, 0292311, |
St Dominics Chishawasha School | Harare | +263 77 422 9828, +263 77 276 7025 |
St Erics Secondary School | Norton | 0622087, 0622200, |
St Francis Secondary School | Chegutu | 0532224, 0533786, |
St Ignatius College | Harare | “+263 8677004013 Mobile: +(263) 774514193/ +(263) 772768053” |
St John's Chifamba Secondary School | Murambinda | 0212101, |
S (Cont)
St John's Chifamba Secondary School | Murambinda | 0212101, |
St John's High School | Harare | 04335082, 04336124, 04336593, 04339997, |
St Joseph High School | Mutare | 02060228, |
St Joseph's School | Harare | 04499268, |
St Mary's Secondary School (Wedza) | Wedza | 02222290, |
St Mary's Secondary School (Beitbridge) | Beitbridge | 028623205, 028622994, |
St Peters Mission | Checheche | 0317294, 0317548, 0317512, |
St Phillips Magwenya | Guruve | 0582388, |
St. Francis of Asisi Secondary School | Chivhu | 0563465, 0563462, 056-27603 |
St. Peters Secondary School | Harare | 04771325, 042933868, 042913158, |
Svingarimwe Secondary School | Jerera | 0342991, |
Tafara 1 High School | Harare | 04491834, 04491832, |
Temeraire Secondary School | Mashava | 0352412, |
Thekwane High School | Tel: +263-667 2456 | |
Theydon Secondary School | Marondera | 027920437, |
Thornhill High School | Gweru | 054226950, 054227150, 054223682, 054224978, 054223963, 054223962, 054223961, |
Townsend High School | Bulawayo | 09243371, 09243375, 09243374, 09243373, 09243372, |
Tsholotsho High School | Tsholotsho | 0387308, 0387208, 0387497, |
Vainona High School | Harare | 04886334, 04882888, |
Vhembe Secondary School | Beitbridge | 028622255, 028622464, |
Victoria High School | Masvingo | 039265636, 039263158, 039262905, 039262305, 039263647, 039262328, 039262550, 039262549, 039262653, |
Vimbai Secondary School | Norton | 0622867, 0622214, |
Waddilove Secondary School | Marondera | 027923479, |
Wadzanai High School | 0371507, | |
Wankie Secondary School | Hwange | 028122654, 028122653, |
Warren Park High School | Harare | 04228641, |
Warren Park High School Dev Assoc | Harare | 04225145, |
Wedza Government High School | Wedza | 02222235, 02222390, |
Westridge High School | Harare | 04778404, 04778320, 04741876, 04741842, 04741248, |
Whitewater Secondary School | Kezi | 0282549, |
Zaka High School | Jerera | 0342428, |
Zengeza 2 High | Chitungwiza | 027021970, 027021700, 027030147, 042906918, 042906917, |
Zengeza 3 High School | Chitungwiza | 027022997, 027030743, |
Zengeza 4 High School | Chitungwiza | 027024324, 027021508, 027021957, |
Zengeza Secondary School | Chitungwiza | 027023989, 027023392, 027031742, |
Zesa Secondary School | Munyati | 0557222, 0557221, |
Zimuto High School | Masvingo | 039266986, |
Zimuto High School | Masvingo | 039265466, 039264209, |
Zvamapere Secondary School | Chivi | 0337595, |
Zvishavane Secondary School | Zvishavane | 055513339, 055513338, |
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