Chibi High School
Chibi High is a mixed boarding school in Masvingo operated by the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe. It is one of the best schools in the country both in academic and non-academic disciplines.
In 2015 the school received the secretary's merit award. The award is given to a school that would have done better than others in the province in the provision of quality education, proper development policy in sports, arts and culture.
The school’s curriculum comprises not only of the arts and humanities but mathematics, and sciences, business, commercial, technical and vocational subjects from form 1 to 6. The school also has a very strong bias towards practical subjects; these include woodwork and agriculture; this affords learners opportunities to choose according to their interests and abilities, thereby equipping them for self-empowerment.
Chibi High School is pro-development and in the last couple of years it has had the following development's; school weather station, a hostel block, lower six classroom block; Agricultural units with over 300 layers and a Toyota Hilux for the head.
Chibi High has a school library that has many departments which consist of a research centre, study rooms, open shelves and a short loan section. In the research centre, there is a WIFI router and students can go on the internet and do some research.
Chibi High School Pass Rate
The school's academic performance has been improving steadily over the years.
In 2008 the school’s ‘O’ level results were at 31,78% but rose to 72,5% in 2011 and as for A-Levels, the graph shot upwards from 70,97% 2008 up to 100% in 2011.
In 2013 the school managed a 78.23% pass rate at O-Level. In 2014 it was the top-ranked school at A-Level in Zimbabwe.
A 68% pass rate at O-Level in 2015 saw the school ranking 73 out of 100.
The 2017 ordinary level examination classes at Chibi High earned a whopping 96 per cent pass rate. Many pupils scored straight A's in most of the examinations they sat for and the highest pupil had 13 As while 90 pupils managed to obtain at least five As each. A total of 173 pupils passed with five subjects and above, making Chibi High one of the schools with the biggest number of candidates in the province.
In 2018 the school recorded its tenth year of achieving a hundred per cent pass rate in Zimsec Advanced Level exams. That year a total of 15 students scored between 15 and 24 points, while a total of 69 students managed to attain between 10 to 24 points.
At O-Level the school attained a 72.83% pass rate and took position 49 out of 100
Chibi High School Fees
The latest Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the school was held on 7 April 2021. During the meeting school fees was reviewed upwards from ZWL 24 000 to ZWL 35 000 per term. The following fees were also set:
Practical & science fees
Forms 1 to 4 Practicals (Textile Technology & Design, Food Technology & Design, Building Technology & Design) ZWL 500 per subject per term.
Sciences ( Combined Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science) ZWL 1 500 per term, per subject.
Forms 5 & 6: Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Crop Science, Computer Science) ZWL 1 500 per subject per term.
Chibi High School Application
There are no Chibi High School application forms for form one places 2021. The enrolment is done through the Ministry of Education’s EMAP platform.
This is usually available after the publication of the Grade 7 results. Get instructions on how to apply here.
Chibi High School Uniform
The school recently approved the following winter uniforms
- Grey trousers with belt carriers for all boys but avoid tight-fitting ones
- Black Leg-ins for all girls
- Marron scarfs for both boys and girls
- Maroon woollen hats for both boys and girls
Chibi High School Contact Details
Chibi High School
Private Bag 501, Chivi
Tel: +263 773 238 228, +263 86 8800 2724, +263 784 351 859
Email: [email protected]
You can download the schools latest newsletter here for more information.
I don’t regret being a former student at this world class school. Well done my school. Continue to keep the flag of Zimbabwe high through your excellence.
I would like my kids to attend school I’m from South Africa can you please send me fees for grade 6 and 8 for 2022
Please send me your fees list for grade 6 and 8 for 2022
I was at Chibi from 2013-2016 and I really enjoyed my time there. The level of discipline of the students is out of this world. My son is definitely going to Chibi
with what i have read i wish to send my kid for form 1 place in 2022 .may you pliz send what is needed for him to get a place for form 1
I would like my daughter to attend school form 1 2022 lm in South Africa please may you send me fees list. And how to Apply?
This is one of the best schools wic groomed me to be who i am….hats off