Oriel Boys High
Oriel Boys High is located in Chisipite, Harare. It is the brother school to Oriel Girls High and it caters for children from middle-income families.
The school was founded in 1961 and it has an enrollment of around 850 boys.
Oriel Boys High Admissions
Students at Oriel Boys High typically come from different regions throughout Harare. The school admits students from form 1-6.
There are no Oriel Boys High School application forms to download for form one places 2021. The enrolment is done online through the Ministry of Education’s EMAP platform.
This is usually available after publication of the Grade 7 results. You are encouraged to apply as quickly as possible because the competition for places is stiff and there are fewer places available.
Oriel Boys High Fees
Oriel Boys is meant for middle-income earning families and as such the fees are higher than those of lower-income schools but lower than those of elite schools.
In January 2020 some parents were removing their children from the school and sending them to cheaper schools.
The current 2021 fees for the school are not available. If you know them you can let us know in the comments below or you can email [email protected]
Oriel Boys Pass Rate
The school produces average results in public Zimsec exams. It usually fails to make it to the top 100 schools in Zimbabwe at both O and A-Level.
Oriel Boys Uniform
Oriel Boys High Contact Details
Tel: +2634 496 442,(0242) 496 442, 496 566
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.orielboyshigh.ac.zw/
See the school on Google Maps
See the school on Facebook
Address: 32 Hindhead Ave Chisipite Harare
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