Children’s Prize to Combat Child Mortality 2021 ($150,000 grant)

Children’s Prize to Combat Child Mortality 2021 ($150,000 grant)

Deadline: July 30, 2021

The Children’s Prize is awarded to scientifically-minded individuals with a passion for global child health and a strong commitment to verify the impact of their work. Between 2013 and 2020, the Prize has awarded over $1,850,000.00 to such individuals and organizations across the globe.

Do you have an effective intervention that will save the lives of children under five?

Apply now for the Children’s Prize 2021. The Children’s Prize is an open online competition with a mission to advance child health and survival by insisting on impact and data-driven interventions.

The Challenge

Child mortality is a core indicator for child health and well-being, in which child survival remains an urgent concern. It is unacceptable that about 14,250 children die every day- equivalent to about 10 deaths occurring every minute.

The majority of these deaths can be attributed to treatable causes, infectious diseases and neonatal complications being responsible for the vast majority of under-five deaths globally. According to the latest estimates by WHO and the Maternal and Child Epidemiology Estimation Group, of the 5.2 million deaths in children under five that occurred in 2019, the leading causes of death were pneumonia, diarrhoea, and malaria.

Almost half of all under-five deaths are attributable to nutrition-related factors, while more than 80 per cent of neonatal deaths occur among newborn infants of low birth weights in the highest-burden settings.

They are inviting individuals and organisations to propose a ready-to-execute project plan that is focused on saving children’s lives under five.

Prize Money 

  • The winner will have the opportunity to enter into a $150,000 grant agreement.


  • Open to individuals and organizations globally.
  • Proposals will be accepted from non-profits (charities), for-profits (companies), government programs, academic institutions, and individuals aged 18 years or older. However, the prize funds may only be used for charitable purposes, as specified in the contest goals.

Evaluation Criteria

Projects are evaluated on their:

  • ability to impact rates within a child mortality indicator (U5MR, IMR, NMR, etc.)
  • effectiveness
  • innovation and scalability of the intervention approach within global health
  • feasibility of the proposed lives-saved estimate
  • probability of success
  • ease of verification
  • inclusion of a process impact assessment


Applications are now open! Apply by July 30, 2021, for the $150,000 prize to combat child mortality!

Click here to apply

For more information, see FAQ and visit The Children’s Prize.

You can also see past winners here.

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